Weaving Village in Peru

BY Tierney Farrell
As we made our way through the Sacred Valley from Cusco to Ollantaytambo, we stopped for a couple hours at a Planeterra-supported women's weaving co-op.  It was a beautiful and humble village, nestled in the country side in the lush mountains.  The colors of the buildings and clothing of the people painted the scenery with bright contrast.  We met women who make a living by making traditional weaving textiles, and learned about their different dyeing techniques and the meanings behind the motifs.  The alpacas that the women used (for their fur) for the weavings were all hanging out nearby, waiting for the next visitor to hand feed them some grasses that the women were passing out.   When I was there, I felt like I wanted to live there for a month or two and experience the simple life.  Sometimes I really wonder what the appeal is in living with such stress just to make money.  Places like this remind me that I desire a well-balanced, good-quality life.  Living in the city sounds fun for now, but in the end I believe we are meant to be in nature, because we are indeed a part of it, not apart from it. weaving-0055 weaving-0057 weaving-0062 weaving-0069 weaving-0076 weaving-0077 weaving-0088 weaving-0100 weaving-0105 weaving-0107 weaving-0109 weaving-0114 weaving-0118weaving-0126 weaving-0134 weaving-0136 weaving-0143 weaving-0147 weaving-0148 weaving-0150 weaving-0157 weaving-0161 weaving-0163 weaving-0164 weaving-0177 weaving-0184 weaving-0185 weaving-0189 weaving-0193 weaving-0196 weaving-0201 weaving-0206 weaving-0207 weaving-0208 weaving-0210 weaving-0212 weaving-0215 weaving-0217 weaving-0219 weaving-0225 weaving-0226 weaving-0228 weaving-0233 weaving-0238 weaving-0247 Tags:

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